Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year part 1. Tax Credits are Effective Today!

Here's a short article on the Credits.

Here's a good article on Inverters by the same author

I'm starting to think that a good way for to go for a self-starter, or one with limited funds upfront, would be to buy an Inverter, and a minimal number of Panels ASAP. This would make the home Solar-Ready, with the inverter reflecting the greatest single-item cost, and would allow for expansion in production over time.

I'm going to go to the Bank soon, and start looking into financing. They WANT to lend money, but they want to lend money safely. What's a safer bet these days than lending money on a system with a potential immediate payback of 30% in Tax Credits, which not only adds real value to the home, and provides for immediate and long term payback in in the form of free electricity.

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Don P said...

Hi Sheralle,

Very glad to have you reading. Here's to a great new year! *Crosses Fingers*

D Pickard

Anonymous said...

how long does it take to get the payback on the unsubsidized 70%